Source code for opensbt.algorithm.nsga2dt_optimizer

import random
from opensbt.model_ga.result  import SimulationResult
from opensbt.evaluation.critical import Critical
from opensbt.utils.operators import select_operator
from pymoo.termination import get_termination
from pymoo.algorithms.moo.nsga2 import NSGA2
from pymoo.core.population import Population
from pymoo.core.problem import Problem
from pymoo.operators.crossover.sbx import SBX
from import PM
from pymoo.operators.sampling.lhs import LHS
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymoo.termination import get_termination
from pymoo.core.problem import Problem
from opensbt.exception.configuration import RestrictiveConfigException
from opensbt.utils.archive import MemoryArchive
from opensbt.utils.time_utils import convert_pymoo_time_to_seconds
from pymoo.core.population import Population
from opensbt.visualization.configuration import *
from opensbt.algorithm.classification.decision_tree import decision_tree
from opensbt.utils.evaluation import evaluate_individuals
from opensbt.utils.sorting import *
from opensbt.utils.time_utils import convert_pymoo_time_to_seconds
from opensbt.visualization.configuration import *
from opensbt.experiment.search_configuration import SearchConfiguration
from opensbt.model_ga.result import *
import logging as log
from opensbt.algorithm.optimizer import Optimizer
import copy
import sys
import time
import os

[docs] class NsgaIIDTOptimizer(Optimizer): """ This optimizer implements the NSGA-II-DT algorithm from [1] which is based on the NSGA-II algorithm but is employing ML models, i.e. decision trees to guide the search for failures. [1] Raja Ben Abdessalem, Shiva Nejati, Lionel C. Briand, and Thomas Stifter. 2018. Testing vision-based control systems using learnable evolutionary algorithms. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1016–1026. """ algorithm_name = "NSGA-II-DT"
[docs] def __init__(self, problem: Problem, config: SearchConfiguration): """Initializes the NSGA-II-DT Optimizer :param problem: The testing problem. :type problem: Problem :param config: The configuraiton for the search. :type config: SearchConfiguration """ self.problem = problem self.config = config self.res = None"Initialized algorithm with config: {config.__dict__}")
[docs] def run(self) -> SimulationResult: """_summary_ :return: Return a SimulationResults object which holds all information from the simulation. :rtype: SimulationResult """ problem = self.problem config = self.config population_size = config.population_size maximal_execution_time = config.maximal_execution_time max_tree_iterations = config.max_tree_iterations num_offsprings = config.num_offsprings prob_crossover = config.prob_crossover eta_crossover = config.eta_crossover prob_mutation = config.prob_mutation eta_mutation = config.eta_mutation inner_num_gen = config.inner_num_gen '''Output variables''' all_population = Population() best_population = Population() best_population_unranked = Population() '''Initial conditions (initial region)''' xl = problem.xl xu = problem.xu random.seed(config.seed) # sampling = FloatRandomSampling() sampling = LHS() # Latin Hypercube Sampling initial_population = sampling(problem, population_size) hist_holder = [] '''Parameters of the algorithm''' if prob_mutation is None: prob_mutation = 1 / problem.n_var '''Parameter for evaluation''' if maximal_execution_time is not None: _maximal_execution_time = convert_pymoo_time_to_seconds( maximal_execution_time) max_tree_iterations = sys.maxsize"Search is constrained by maximal execution time") elif max_tree_iterations is not None: _maximal_execution_time = sys.maxsize"Search is constrained by maximal number of tree generations") else:"Parameters are not correctly set, cannot start search.") sys.exit() ''' Computation start ''' start_time = time.time() evaluate_individuals(initial_population, problem) initial_region = decision_tree.Region(xl, xu, initial_population) critical_regions = [initial_region] hist_holder = [] # inner_algorithm is a template for an algorithm object that is stored for every generation inner_algorithm = NSGA2( pop_size=None, n_offsprings=None, sampling = select_operator("init", config), crossover = select_operator( "cx", config, **{"eta" : eta_crossover, "prob" : prob_crossover}), mutation = select_operator( "mut", config, **{"eta" : eta_mutation, "prob" : prob_mutation}), eliminate_duplicates = select_operator( "dup", config), archive=MemoryArchive() ) tree_iteration = 0 n_func_evals = 0 while n_func_evals < config.n_func_evals_lim: # extend the history by one generation hist_holder.extend([inner_algorithm] * inner_num_gen)"running iteration {tree_iteration}") for critical_region in critical_regions: sub_problem = problem if prob_mutation == None: prob_mutation = 1 / problem.n_var nd_individuals_region = calc_nondominated_individuals(critical_region.population) initial_population = Population( individuals=nd_individuals_region) pop_size = len(initial_population) algorithm = NSGA2( pop_size=pop_size, n_offsprings=num_offsprings, sampling=initial_population, crossover = select_operator( "cx", config, **{"eta" : eta_crossover, "prob" : prob_crossover}), mutation = select_operator( "mut", config, **{"eta" : eta_mutation, "prob" : prob_mutation}), eliminate_duplicates = select_operator( "dup", config), archive=MemoryArchive() ) print(select_operator("mut", config)) termination = get_termination("n_gen", inner_num_gen) res = minimize(sub_problem, algorithm, termination, seed=config.seed, save_history=True, verbose=True) n_func_evals += res.history[-1].evaluator.n_eval self._update_history(res, hist_holder, tree_iteration, inner_num_gen, inner_algorithm) hist = res.history # hist[i] is an object of <class 'pymoo.algorithms.moo.nsga2.NSGA2'> best_population_unranked = Population.merge( best_population, res.opt) best_population = get_nondominated_population( best_population_unranked) for generation in hist: all_population = Population.merge( all_population, generation.pop) initial_region.population = best_population regions = decision_tree.generate_critical_regions( all_population, problem, save_folder=None) critical_regions = [ region for region in regions if region.is_critical] if not critical_regions: critical_regions = [initial_region] tree_iteration += 1 execution_time = time.time() - start_time '''For forwarding to plotter''' self.parameters = { 'Number of maximal tree generations': str(config.max_tree_iterations), 'Number performed tree iterations': str(tree_iteration), "Population size": str(config.population_size), "Number of generations": str(config.inner_num_gen), "Number of offsprings": str(config.num_offsprings), "Crossover probability": str(config.prob_crossover), "Crossover eta": str(config.eta_crossover), "Mutation probability": str(config.prob_mutation), "Mutation eta": str(config.eta_mutation), "Seed" : str(config.seed) } result = self._create_result(problem, hist_holder, inner_algorithm, execution_time) self.res = result return result
[docs] def _update_history(self, res, hist_holder, tree_iteration, inner_num_gen, inner_algorithm): for i in range(inner_num_gen): pop = Population.merge( hist_holder[tree_iteration * inner_num_gen + i].pop, res.history[i].pop) # copy a template of the inner algorithm, and then modify its population and other properties algo = copy.deepcopy(inner_algorithm) algo.pop = pop opt_pop = Population( individuals=calc_nondominated_individuals(pop)) algo.opt = opt_pop hist_holder[tree_iteration * inner_num_gen + i] = algo
[docs] def _create_result(self, problem, hist_holder, inner_algorithm, execution_time): I = 0 for algo in hist_holder: I += len(algo.pop) algo.evaluator.n_eval = I algo.start_time = 0 algo.problem = problem algo.result() res_holder = SimulationResult() res_holder.algorithm = inner_algorithm res_holder.algorithm.evaluator.n_eval = I res_holder.problem = problem res_holder.algorithm.problem = problem res_holder.history = hist_holder res_holder.exec_time = execution_time # calculate total optimal population using individuals from all iterations opt_all = Population() for algo in hist_holder: opt_all = Population.merge(opt_all, algo.pop) #"opt_all: {opt_all}") opt_all_nds = get_nondominated_population(opt_all) res_holder.opt = opt_all_nds res_holder.archive = opt_all # for now the same all pops together return res_holder