import sys
from typing import Tuple
from opensbt.simulation.simulator import SimulationOutput
import numpy as np
import math
from opensbt.utils import geometric
class Fitness():
"""This class defines an interface for concrete fitness functions.
def min_or_max(self):
"""Defines for each objective if it is minimized or maximized. Returns a tuple, where each element holds
the value "min" or "max".
def name(self):
"""Defines the name of the fitness funtion as a tuple, where each element corresponds to the name of the objective
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
"""Returns the fitness value of a given SimulationOutput instance.
:param simout: SimulationOutput instance.
:type simout: SimulationOutput
:param kwargs: Further optional variables needed for fitness evaluation.
:type kwargs: **Dict
:return:: Return the fitness value for the given simulation results. Each tuple element corresponds to value for the specific fitness dimension.
:rtype Tuple[float]
class MockFitness():
def min_or_max(self):
return "min","min"
def name(self):
return "dimension_1","dimension_2"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
return (0,0)
class FitnessMinDistance(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return ("min",)
def name(self):
return "Min distance"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
if "distance" in simout.otherParams:
dist = simout.otherParams["distance"]
result = min(dist)
trace_ego = simout.location["ego"]
trace_ped = simout.location["adversary"]
result = np.min(geometric.distPair(trace_ego, trace_ped))
return result
class FitnessMinDistanceVelocity(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "min", "max"
def name(self):
return "Min distance", "Velocity at min distance"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
if "adversary" in simout.location:
name_adversary = "adversary"
name_adversary = "other"
trace_ego = simout.location["ego"]
trace_ped = simout.location[name_adversary]
ind_min_dist = np.argmin(geometric.distPair(trace_ego, trace_ped))
# distance between ego and other object
distance = np.min(geometric.distPair(trace_ego, trace_ped))
# speed of ego at time of the minimal distance
speed = simout.speed["ego"][ind_min_dist]
return (distance, speed)
class FitnessMinDistanceVelocityFrontOnly(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "min", "max"
def name(self):
return "Min distance", "Velocity at min distance"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
if "adversary" in simout.location:
name_adversary = "adversary"
name_adversary = "other"
car_length = float(4.0)
trace_ego = simout.location["ego"]
trace_ped = simout.location[name_adversary]
ind_min_dist = np.argmin(geometric.distPair(trace_ego, trace_ped))
# approx distance between ego's front and other object
distance = np.min(geometric.distPair(trace_ego, trace_ped)) - car_length/2
# speed of ego at time of the minimal distance
speed = simout.speed["ego"][ind_min_dist]
# value scenarios worse if pedestrian is not in front of the car
if (trace_ego[ind_min_dist][0] - trace_ped[ind_min_dist][0] < car_length/2):
distance = FITNESS_WORSE
return (distance, speed)
class FitnessMinTTC(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "min",
def name(self):
return "Min TTC",
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float]:
all_ttc = []
if "adversary" in simout.location:
name_adversary = "adversary"
name_adversary = "other"
for i in range(2, len(simout.times)):
ego_location = simout.location["ego"]
adv_location = simout.location[name_adversary]
colpoint = geometric.intersection(
(ego_location[i], ego_location[i-1]), (adv_location[i], adv_location[i-1]))
if colpoint == []:
velocity_ego = simout.speed["ego"]
velocity_adv = simout.speed[name_adversary]
dist_ego_colpoint = geometric.dist(colpoint, ego_location[i])
dist_adv_colpoint = geometric.dist(colpoint, adv_location[i])
if colpoint == []:
if velocity_ego[i] == 0 or velocity_adv[i] == 0:
t_col_ego = dist_ego_colpoint/velocity_ego[i]
t_col_ped = dist_adv_colpoint/velocity_adv[i]
t_tolerance = 0.5 # time tolerance for missed collision
if abs(t_col_ego - t_col_ped) < t_tolerance:
min_ttc = np.min(all_ttc)
return min_ttc
class FitnessMinTTCVelocity(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "min", "max"
def name(self):
return "Min TTC", "Critical Velocity"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> float:
if "adversary" in simout.location:
name_adversary = "adversary"
name_adversary = "other"
for i in range(2, len(simout.times)):
ego_location = simout.location["ego"]
adv_location = simout.location[name_adversary]
colpoint = geometric.intersection(
(ego_location[i], ego_location[i-1]), (adv_location[i], adv_location[i-1]))
all_ttc = []
# If no collision, return huge value
if colpoint == []:
min_ttc = sys.maxsize
velocity_min_ttc = sys.maxsize
velocity_ego = simout.speed["ego"]
velocity_adv = simout.speed[name_adversary]
dist_ego_colpoint = geometric.dist(colpoint, ego_location[i])
dist_adv_colpoint = geometric.dist(colpoint, adv_location[i])
if colpoint == []:
if velocity_ego[i] == 0 or velocity_adv[i] == 0:
t_col_ego = dist_ego_colpoint/velocity_ego[i]
t_col_ped = dist_adv_colpoint/velocity_adv[i]
t_tolerance = 0.5 # time tolerance for missed collision
if abs(t_col_ego - t_col_ped) < t_tolerance:
time_min_ttc = np.argmin(all_ttc)
min_ttc = all_ttc[time_min_ttc]
velocity_min_ttc = velocity_ego[time_min_ttc]
result = (min_ttc, velocity_min_ttc)
return result
class FitnessAdaptedDistSpeedRelVelocity(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "max", "max", "max"
def name(self):
return "Critical Adapted distance", "Velocity at critical distance", "Relative velocity at critical distance"
''' Fitness function to resolve front and rear collisions'''
def fitness_parallel(self, z_parallel, car_length):
z_parallel, which is a projection of relative position of a car's front bumper and a pedestrian to the
axis, parallel to a car velocity.
car_length, which is a length of a car.
a value between 0 and 1, indicating severeness of the relative position of a car and a pedestrian in the
parallel direction. The higher the value - the more severe a scenario is.
The fitness function is composed of exponential functions and constant functions. step_back characterizes
steepness of decay of the fitness function behind the front bumper. step_front characterizes steepness of decay
of the fitness function in front of the front bumper. The value of the fitness function for positions of a
pedestrian behind the back bumper is 0.
steep_back = 10
steep_front = 2
# z = yPed - yEgo - car_length/2
n = len(z_parallel)
result = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
if z_parallel[i] < -car_length:
result[i] = 0
elif z_parallel[i] < 0:
result[i] = (np.exp(steep_back * (z_parallel[i] + car_length)) - np.exp(0)) / np.exp(
steep_back * car_length)
result[i] = np.exp(-steep_front * z_parallel[i]) / np.exp(0)
return result
def fitness_perpendicular(self, z_perpendicular, car_width):
z_perpendicular, which is a projection of relative position of a car's center and a pedestrian to the axis,
perpendicular to a car velocity.
car_width, which is a width of a car.
a value between 0 and 1, indicating severeness of the relative position of a car and a pedestrian in the
perpendicular direction. The higher the value - the more severe a scenario is.
The fitness function is composed of a "bell-shaped" function segments on the sides, and a constant function in
the middle equal to 1. A "bell-shaped" function is a gaussian function. sigma is proportional to the width of a
"bell". A constant segment has a length of the car_width. The parallel fitness function, combined with the
perpendicular fitness function, e.g. by multiplication, results in a proximity function, which defines a
severeness of the relative position of a car and a pedestrian.
sigma = 0.05
# z = xPed - xEgo
n = len(z_perpendicular)
result = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
if abs(z_perpendicular[i]) < car_width / 2:
result[i] = 1
result[i] = np.exp(-(0.5 / sigma) *
(abs(z_perpendicular[i]) - car_width / 2) ** 2)
return result
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> float:
if "car_length" in simout.otherParams:
car_length = float(simout.otherParams["car_length"])
car_length = float(4.3)
if "car_width" in simout.otherParams:
car_width = float(simout.otherParams["car_width"])
car_width = float(1.8)
if "adversary" in simout.location:
name_adversary = "adversary"
name_adversary = "other"
# time series of Ego position
trace_ego = np.array(simout.location["ego"])
# time series of Ped position
trace_adv = np.array(simout.location[name_adversary])
# time series of Ego position
velocity_ego = np.array(simout.velocity["ego"])
# time series of Ped position
velocity_adv = np.array(simout.velocity[name_adversary])
velocity_relative = velocity_adv - velocity_ego
# time series of Ego velocity
speed_ego = np.array(simout.speed["ego"])
yaw_ego = np.array(simout.yaw["ego"]) # time series of Ego velocity
# Global coordinates
x_ego = trace_ego[:, 0]
y_ego = trace_ego[:, 1]
x_adv = trace_adv[:, 0]
y_adv = trace_adv[:, 1]
# Coordinates, with respect to ego: e2 is parallel to the direction of ego
e2_x = np.cos(yaw_ego * math.pi / 180)
e2_y = np.sin(yaw_ego * math.pi / 180)
e1_x = e2_y
e1_y = -e2_x
z_parallel = (x_adv - x_ego) * e2_x + \
(y_adv - y_ego) * e2_y - car_length / 2
z_perpendicular = (x_adv - x_ego) * e1_x + (y_adv - y_ego) * e1_y
f_1 = self.fitness_parallel(z_parallel, car_length)
f_2 = self.fitness_perpendicular(z_perpendicular, car_width)
critical_iteration = np.argmax(f_1 * f_2)
vector_fitness = (f_1[critical_iteration] * f_2[critical_iteration],
# Maybe speed and relative velocity should not be taken at the critical iteration? But at some steps before that.
# For some reason, when the front collision happens,
# F1 is not equal to 1 for carla simulation, but somewhere in between 0.5 and 1.0.
# It happens for f_1. It happens because of poor sampling at the moment of collision.
# The parallel fitness function should be modified to account for that, or carla settings.
return vector_fitness
class FitnessAdaptedDistanceSpeed(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "max", "max"
def name(self):
return "Critical adapted distance", "Velocity at critical distance"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> float:
# use only adapted distance and velocity of the fitness comupation of existing function
vector_fitness_all = FitnessAdaptedDistSpeedRelVelocity().eval(simout)
adapted_distance = vector_fitness_all[0]
speed = vector_fitness_all[1]
return adapted_distance, speed
class FitnessAdaptedDistanceSpeedTTC(Fitness):
def min_or_max(self):
return "min", "max", "min"
def name(self):
return "Critical adapted distance", "Velocity at critical distance", "Min TTC"
def eval(self, simout: SimulationOutput, **kwargs) -> float:
min_ttc = FitnessMinTTC().eval(simout)
pos_crit = FitnessAdaptedDistanceSpeed().eval(simout)
return pos_crit[0], pos_crit[1], min_ttc