import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from pymoo.core.sampling import Sampling
from pymoo.util.normalization import denormalize
from pymoo.util.misc import cdist
def fps_by_bounds(n_var, xl, xu, n_samples=1, verbose=False):
# corners are added to the initial set
corners = np.array(list(itertools.product(*np.array((xl, xu)).T.tolist())))
val = corners
# the first inner point is chosen randomly and added to the initial set
first_point = denormalize(np.random.random((1, n_var)), xl, xu)
val = np.vstack((val, first_point))
# initialize the diagram
vor = Voronoi(val, incremental=True)
while val.shape[0] < n_samples:
vertices = vor.vertices
indices = np.array([np.all(vertice <= xu) and np.all(vertice >= xl) for vertice in vertices]).nonzero()[0]
vertices = vertices[indices]
# if none of the vertices are within the boundaries - choose a set of random points
# the number of chosen points is the number of expected Voronoi vertices (obtained empirically)
if vertices.size == 0:
vertices = np.random.random((int(np.ceil(val.shape[0] * np.exp(-1.88 + n_var * 1.192))), n_var))
vertices = denormalize(vertices, xl, xu)
if verbose:
print("WARNING: None of the Voronoi vertices are within the boundaries.")
dist_matrix = cdist(val, vertices)
arg = dist_matrix.min(axis=0).argmax()
val = np.vstack((val, vertices[arg]))
vor.add_points([vertices[arg]], restart=True) # update the diagram
vor = Voronoi(val, incremental=True)
if verbose:
print("WARNING: The diagram could not be updated. A new diagram was constructed.")
if val.shape[0] > n_samples:
if verbose:
print("WARNING: The initial set is not complete.")
val = val[0:n_samples]
return val
def fps(problem, n_samples=1, verbose=False):
return fps_by_bounds(problem.n_var, problem.xl, problem.xu, n_samples=n_samples, verbose=verbose)
class FPS(Sampling):
def _do(self, problem, n_samples, **kwargs):
#verbose = kwargs["verbose"]
return fps(problem, n_samples=n_samples, verbose=False)