import numpy as np
import pymoo.gradient.toolbox as anp
from pymoo.util.misc import at_least_2d_array
from opensbt.simulation.simulator import SimulationOutput
from pymoo.core.problem import Problem
from pymoo.core.problem import ElementwiseEvaluationFunction
from pymoo.core.problem import LoopedElementwiseEvaluation
class SimulationProblem(Problem):
This class extends the pymoo's Problem class to integrate the handling of simulation output-related data.
def __init__(self,
n_var : int
Number of Variables
n_obj : int
Number of Objectives
n_ieq_constr : int
Number of Inequality Constraints
n_eq_constr : int
Number of Equality Constraints
xl : np.array, float, int
Lower bounds for the variables. if integer all lower bounds are equal.
xu : np.array, float, int
Upper bounds for the variable. if integer all upper bounds are equal.
vtype : type
The variable type. So far, just used as a type hint.
# if variables are provided directly
if vars is not None:
n_var = len(vars)
# number of variable
self.n_var = n_var
# number of objectives
self.n_obj = n_obj
# number of inequality constraints
self.n_ieq_constr = n_ieq_constr if "n_constr" not in kwargs else max(n_ieq_constr, kwargs["n_constr"])
# number of equality constraints
self.n_eq_constr = n_eq_constr
# type of the variable to be evaluated = dict(**kwargs)
# the lower bounds, make sure it is a numpy array with the length of n_var
self.xl, self.xu = xl, xu
# a callback function to be called after every evaluation
self.callback = callback
# if the variables are provided in their explicit form
self.vars = vars
# the variable type (only as a type hint at this point)
self.vtype = vtype
# the functions used if elementwise is enabled
self.elementwise = elementwise
self.elementwise_func = elementwise_func
self.elementwise_runner = elementwise_runner
# whether the shapes are checked strictly
self.strict = strict
# if it is a problem with an actual number of variables - make sure xl and xu are numpy arrays
if n_var > 0:
if self.xl is not None:
if not isinstance(self.xl, np.ndarray):
self.xl = np.ones(n_var) * xl
self.xl = self.xl.astype(float)
if self.xu is not None:
if not isinstance(self.xu, np.ndarray):
self.xu = np.ones(n_var) * xu
self.xu = self.xu.astype(float)
# this defines if NaN values should be replaced or not
self.replace_nan_values_by = replace_nan_values_by
# attribute which are excluded from being serialized
self.exclude_from_serialization = exclude_from_serialization
def _evaluate_elementwise(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs):
# create the function that evaluates a single individual
f = self.elementwise_func(self, args, kwargs)
# execute the runner
elems = self.elementwise_runner(f, X)
# for each evaluation call
for elem in elems:
# for each key stored for this evaluation
for k, v in elem.items():
# if the element does not exist in out yet -> create it
if out.get(k, None) is None:
out[k] = []
# convert to arrays (the none check is important because otherwise an empty array is initialized)
for k in out:
if out[k] is not None:
if not isinstance(out[k][-1], SimulationOutput):
out[k] = anp.array(out[k])
def evaluate(self,
if return_values_of is None:
return_values_of = ["F"]
if self.n_ieq_constr > 0:
if self.n_eq_constr > 0:
# make sure the array is at least 2d. store if reshaping was necessary
if isinstance(X, np.ndarray) and X.dtype != object:
X, only_single_value = at_least_2d_array(X, extend_as="row", return_if_reshaped=True)
assert X.shape[1] == self.n_var, f'Input dimension {X.shape[1]} are not equal to n_var {self.n_var}!'
only_single_value = not (isinstance(X, list) or isinstance(X, np.ndarray))
# this is where the actual evaluation takes place
_out =, return_values_of, *args, **kwargs)
out = {}
for k, v in _out.items():
# copy it to a numpy array (it might be one of jax at this point)
v = np.array(v)
# in case the input had only one dimension, then remove always the first dimension from each output
if only_single_value:
v = v[0]
# if the NaN values should be replaced
if self.replace_nan_values_by is not None:
v[np.isnan(v)] = self.replace_nan_values_by
out[k] = v
# try:
# out[k] = v.astype(np.float64)
# except:
# out[k] = v
if self.callback is not None:
self.callback(X, out)
# now depending on what should be returned prepare the output
if return_as_dictionary:
return out
if len(return_values_of) == 1:
return out[return_values_of[0]]
return tuple([out[e] for e in return_values_of])
def pareto_front_n_points(self, n_points=1000):
if self.pareto_front is not None:
pf = self.pareto_front(n_points)
pf = None
print("No analytical solution provided for the given problem.")
return pf