import numpy as np
from pymoo.core.result import Result
from opensbt import config
from opensbt.model_ga.population import PopulationExtended as Population
from opensbt.utils.sorting import get_nondominated_population
import dill
import os
from pathlib import Path
from opensbt.visualization import visualizer
import logging as log
class SimulationResult(Result):
This class extends pymoo's Result class to output simulation results
and extract information from the test data.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._additional_data = dict()
def obtain_history_design(self):
hist = self.history
if hist is not None:
n_evals = [] # corresponding number of function evaluations
hist_X = [] # the objective space values in each
pop = Population()
for algo in hist:
n_evals.append(algo.evaluator.n_eval) # store the number of function evaluations
pop = Population.merge(pop, algo.pop)
feas = np.where(pop.get("feasible"))[
0] # filter out only the feasible and append and objective space values
n_evals = None
hist_X = None
return n_evals, hist_X
def get_first_critical(self):
""" Identifies the iteration number when the first critical solutions was found """
hist = self.history
archive = self.obtain_archive()
res = Population()
if hist is not None and archive is not None:
for index, algo in enumerate(hist):
#n_evals.append(algo.evaluator.n_eval) # store the number of function evaluations
inds = archive[:algo.evaluator.n_eval]
crit = np.where((inds.get("CB"))) [0]
feas = np.where((inds.get("feasible"))) [0]
feas = list(set(crit) & set(feas))
res = inds[feas]
if len(res) == 0:
return index, res
return 0, res
def obtain_history(self, critical=False):
""" Returns the set of test inputs over all genreation based on feasibility and criticality
according to number of function evaluations"""
hist = self.history
if hist is not None:
n_evals = [] # corresponding number of function evaluations
hist_F = [] # the objective space values in each generation
for algo in hist:
n_evals.append(algo.evaluator.n_eval) # store the number of function evaluations
opt = algo.opt # retrieve the optimum from the algorithm
if critical:
crit = np.where((opt.get("CB"))) [0]
feas = np.where((opt.get("feasible"))) [0]
feas = list(set(crit) & set(feas))
feas = np.where(opt.get("feasible"))[0] # filter out only the feasible and append and objective space values
n_evals = None
hist_F = None
return n_evals, hist_F
def obtain_all_population(self):
""" Returns all test inputs over all generations """
all_population = Population()
hist = self.history
if hist is not None:
for generation in hist:
all_population = Population.merge(all_population, generation.pop)
return all_population
def obtain_archive(self):
""" Returns all archived individuals. """
return self.archive
def obtain_history_archive(self, critical=False):
""" Returns all archived test inputs over all generations """
hist = self.history
archive = self.obtain_archive()
if hist is not None:
n_evals = [] # corresponding number of function evaluations
hist_F = [] # the objective space values in each generation
n_eval_last = 0
for i, algo in enumerate(hist):
n_eval = algo.evaluator.n_eval - n_eval_last # get the number of evals for the current iteration
n_evals.append(n_eval) # store the number of function evaluations
inds = archive[n_eval_last : algo.evaluator.n_eval]
if critical:
crit = np.where((inds.get("CB"))) [0]
feas = np.where((inds.get("feasible"))) [0]
feas = list(set(crit) & set(feas))
feas = np.where(inds.get("feasible"))[0] # filter out only the feasible and append and objective space values
# update for next calculation
n_eval_last = algo.evaluator.n_eval
n_evals = None
hist_F = None
return n_evals, hist_F
def obtain_history_hitherto_archive(self,critical=False, optimal=True, var = "F"):
""" Returns the set of test inputs over all generations based on feasibility and criticality
according to number of function evaluations considering all evaluated test inputs (aggregated)"""
hist = self.history
n_evals = [] # corresponding number of function evaluations
hist_F = [] # the objective space values in each generation
archive = self.obtain_archive()
all = Population()
for i, algo in enumerate(hist):
n_eval = algo.evaluator.n_eval
all = archive[:n_eval]
if optimal:
all = get_nondominated_population(all)
if critical:
crit = np.where((all.get("CB"))) [0]
feas = np.where((all.get("feasible")))[0]
feas = list(set(crit) & set(feas))
feas = np.where(all.get("feasible"))[0] # filter out only the feasible and append and objective space values
return n_evals, hist_F
def obtain_history_hitherto(self,critical=False, optimal=True, var = "F"):
""" Returns the set of test inputs over all generations based on feasibility and criticality
according to number of function evaluations (aggregated)"""
hist = self.history
n_evals = [] # corresponding number of function evaluations
hist_F = [] # the objective space values in each generation
all = Population()
for algo in hist:
all = Population.merge(all, algo.pop)
if optimal:
all = get_nondominated_population(all)
if critical:
crit = np.where((all.get("CB"))) [0]
feas = np.where((all.get("feasible")))[0]
feas = list(set(crit) & set(feas))
feas = np.where(all.get("feasible"))[0] # filter out only the feasible and append and objective space values
return n_evals, hist_F
""" Write down the result object by pickling """
def persist(self, save_folder):
Path(save_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(save_folder + os.sep + "result", "wb") as f:
dill.dump(self, f)
""" Load the result object which was pickled before """
def load(save_folder, name="result"):
with open(save_folder + os.sep + name, "rb") as f:
return dill.load(f)
def additional_data(self):
return self._additional_data
""" Write the results artefacts for the current experiment"""
def write_results(self, results_folder = RESULTS_FOLDER, params=None, is_experimental=EXPERIMENTAL_MODE):
algorithm = self.algorithm
# WHen algorithm is developed without subclassing pymoos Algorithm,
# we need to use the explicit algorithm name passed via params
# if type(algorithm) is Algorithm:
# algorithm_name = params["algorithm_name"]
# else:
algorithm_name = algorithm.__class__.__name__"=====[{algorithm_name}] Writing results to: ")
save_folder = visualizer.create_save_folder(self.problem, results_folder, algorithm_name, is_experimental=is_experimental)
# Mostly for algorithm evaluation relevant
# visualizer.convergence_analysis(self, save_folder)
# visualizer.hypervolume_analysis(self, save_folder)
# visualizer.spread_analysis(self, save_folder)
visualizer.write_generations(self, save_folder)
visualizer.write_calculation_properties(self,save_folder,algorithm_name, algorithm_parameters=params)
visualizer.design_space(self, save_folder)
visualizer.objective_space(self, save_folder)
visualizer.optimal_individuals(self, save_folder)
visualizer.write_summary_results(self, save_folder)
mode= config.MODE_WRITE_SIMOUT,
write_max = config.NUM_PLOT_TIME_TRACES)
mode = config.MODE_WRITE_GIF,
write_max = config.NUM_GIF_MAX)
visualizer.all_individuals(self, save_folder)