opensbt.experiment package


opensbt.experiment.experiment module

class opensbt.experiment.experiment.Experiment(name: str, problem: SimulationProblem, algorithm: str, search_configuration: SearchConfiguration)[source]

Bases: object

The experiment class holds all information to execute a testing experiment and allows to maintain internally different experiment configurations to seperate experiments from each other.

__init__(name: str, problem: SimulationProblem, algorithm: str, search_configuration: SearchConfiguration)[source]

Create an Experiment.

  • name (str) – Name of the experiment to identify it.

  • problem (Problem) – The corresponding testing problem.

  • algorithm (str) – The algorithm string tag (enum) to use for testing.

  • search_configuration (SearchConfiguration) – The search configuration.

opensbt.experiment.experiment_store module

class opensbt.experiment.experiment_store.DefaultExperiments(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Singleton

This class allows to store and load experiments globally in OpenSBT.


Outputs the store.


Return the store.

Return type:



Initializes the store.

load(experiment_name: str) Experiment[source]

Loads an experiment based on the experiment name from the store.


experiment_name (str) – The experiment name.


Returns the experiment.

Return type:


register(exp: Experiment)[source]

Registers an experiment in the store.


exp (Experiment) – The experiment to be registered.


Output 1 if registration failed, otherwise 0.

Return type:


class opensbt.experiment.experiment_store.Singleton(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: object

init(*args, **kwds)[source]

opensbt.experiment.search_configuration module

class opensbt.experiment.search_configuration.DefaultSearchConfiguration[source]

Bases: SearchConfiguration

This class holds all configuration parameter initialized with default values

custom_params = {}
eta_crossover = 20
eta_mutation = 15
inner_num_gen = 4
max_tree_iterations = 4
maximal_execution_time = None
n_func_evals_lim = 500
n_generations = 5
nadir = None
num_offsprings = None
operators = {'cx': None, 'dup': None, 'init': None, 'mut': None}
population_size = 20
prob_crossover = 0.7
prob_mutation = None
ref_point_hv = None
seed = None
class opensbt.experiment.search_configuration.SearchConfiguration[source]

Bases: object

This class holds all configuration parameter related to opimization algorithms

__init__() None
custom_params = {}
eta_crossover = None
eta_mutation = None
ideal = None
inner_num_gen = None
max_tree_iterations = None
maximal_execution_time = None
n_func_evals_lim = None
n_generations = None
nadir = None
num_offsprings = None
operators = {'cx': None, 'dup': None, 'init': None, 'mut': None}
population_size = None
prob_crossover = None
prob_mutation = None
ref_point_hv = None
seed = None

Module contents