opensbt.problem package
opensbt.problem.adas_problem module
- class opensbt.problem.adas_problem.ADASProblem(xl: List[float], xu: List[float], scenario_path: str, fitness_function: Fitness, simulate_function, critical_function: Critical, simulation_variables: List[str], simulation_time: float = 10, sampling_time: float = 100, design_names: List[str] | None = None, objective_names: List[str] | None = None, problem_name: str | None = None, other_parameters: Dict | None = None, approx_eval_time: float | None = None, do_visualize: bool = False)[source]
Basic problem class for ADAS problems
- __init__(xl: List[float], xu: List[float], scenario_path: str, fitness_function: Fitness, simulate_function, critical_function: Critical, simulation_variables: List[str], simulation_time: float = 10, sampling_time: float = 100, design_names: List[str] | None = None, objective_names: List[str] | None = None, problem_name: str | None = None, other_parameters: Dict | None = None, approx_eval_time: float | None = None, do_visualize: bool = False)[source]
Generates a simulation-based testing problem.
- Parameters:
xl (List[float]) – Lower bound for the search domain.
xu (List[float]) – Upper bound for the search domain.
scenario_path (str) – The path to the scenario to be simulated.
fitness_function (Fitness) – The instance of the fitness function to evaluate simulations.
simulate_function (_type_) – The pointer to the simulate function of the simulator.
critical_function (Critical) – The instance of the oracle function to assign pass fail verdicts.
simulation_variables (List[float]) – The name of the simulation variables to alter for test generation.
simulation_time (float, optional) – The simulation time for the test execution, defaults to 10
sampling_time (float, optional) – The sampling time for the simulator, defaults to 100
design_names (List[str], optional) – The name for the search variable to use in the output. If none is said, simulation_variables is used, defaults to None
objective_names (List[str], optional) – The name of the objectives to use in the output, defaults to None
problem_name (str, optional) – The name of the problem, defaults to None
other_parameters (Dict, optional) – Other necessary parameters, defaults to None
approx_eval_time (float, optional) – The approximate evaluation time for one test execution, defaults to None
do_visualize (bool, optional) – Visualize test execution or not, defaults to False
- Raises:
ValueError – Raises ValueError if min_or_max of fitness function is not correctly configured.
opensbt.problem.pymoo_test_problem module
- class opensbt.problem.pymoo_test_problem.PymooTestProblem(problem_name: str, critical_function: Critical, approx_eval_time: float = 0.01)[source]
Problem class to test testing algorithms on mathematical problems implemented in pymoo.